First attempt at Centering Prayer

I just finished reading Open Mind, Open Heart, as well as Invitation to Love, both by modern day Catholic contemplative Thomas Keating. These books were recommended to me by Dave, a spiritual director whom I met through Randy, a Facebook friend. He and I will be talking on Monday about the possibility of me being … Continue reading First attempt at Centering Prayer

Why are some people rescued from evil, but not others?

I asked Richard Murray this question a week ago. He sent me three of his previous posts on the topic. Two of them are reprinted here. The first focuses on “practice.” The second on “theology.” I think these are the best and truest answers, theodicies as they are called. They do not answer the uber … Continue reading Why are some people rescued from evil, but not others?

What I believe – 2023

I deeply love all people. Full stop. I work hard to have some kind of relationship with most people. I naturally like most people. Relationship requires some level of transparency. The deeper the relationship, the more transparency is required. And more risk is required when we are more fully known. And that’s never easy. Many … Continue reading What I believe – 2023

Did Jesus Have to Die?

Yes. I believe that he did have to die. There aren’t many “hills I will die on” but this is one of them. Keep reading and see why. I was rescued. In 2011 my life changed. I had been a lifelong prisoner of sin. I existed in a living hell on earth of self-hatred, shame, … Continue reading Did Jesus Have to Die?