First attempt at Centering Prayer

I just finished reading Open Mind, Open Heart, as well as Invitation to Love, both by modern day Catholic contemplative Thomas Keating.

These books were recommended to me by Dave, a spiritual director whom I met through Randy, a Facebook friend. He and I will be talking on Monday about the possibility of me being mentored by him.

The subject of the books is Centering Prayer, which is a modern term for a practice that dates back centuries to John of the Cross‘ Dark Night of the Soul, which I read years ago, Teresa of Avila’s The Interior Castle, which I also read years ago, and The Cloud of Unknowing, by an anonymous author, which I’ve yet to read.

I started this morning after breakfast with the Dwell app reading Psalms 1-4, attempting to settle my heart for a short time… a first time… of Centering Prayer.

…ponder in your own hearts on your beds, and be silent.

Psalm 4

So I set the timer for 11 minutes, snuggled into the couch, and waited without thought or emotion.


That lasted about 30 seconds.

Do you have any idea how hard that is? I was having thoughts about not having thoughts, and that disturbing itch on my neck.

The simplest way I feel that I as a novice can explain centering prayer is a period of time without thought to commune with God at the level of Spirit to spirit. In modern terms, to listen, not talk. To just “be” in Presence.

I feel like I failed. But Open Heart, Open Mind, warned me of this, and told me to not be discouraged. God sees my intent, and it has brought the Trinity great joy.

If interested, I would recommend reading Open Heart, Open Mind first.

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